A friend needed to give a tumbler as a Christmas gift, so she asked me to help her with it. Given that i just got my Xtool S1 20W, i decided to go ahead and try, i mean, what could go wrong, right? I created the design using Corel Draw 2019, saved the file as PNG. opened the file XCS and created the wished area to be engraved. I used the RA2 Pro. The settings, once the computer had the measurements of the tumbler (see picture for more information,) and after checking that the tumbler was perfectly balanced, then i started the process. The S1 has the hose that comes in the box to the window but i think i will be getting the air purifier as soon as possible. I mean, to be my first project, i am very pleased and the friend is extremely happy.
Production Info
Application scenario
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

Material used
The friend got the tumbler online.
Total time
11 min
Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library for more.