Layered Back Lit Wall Hanger

jassen.ferris avatar
Design Files (1)
  • harley layered sign.xcs
  • Summary

    Wanted to try something new and challenge myself. I am a Harley rider so what better to do then create something fur and different. I do not recommend selling, Harley Davidson is trade marked. I am using this for personal use.
    I burned the back board and dull rod with a torch then dyed them with red food coloring and water mixture. I placed the white side of first cut on to the rods and used screws to fasten the together. Glue the orange shield to the black side of first cut. Glue the black letters and shapes to the orange side of shield using the score line as reference. Then ad your lights to the back side of shield or wrap them around dull rods. I use battery powered led lights. will update when i get the lights. 

    Production Info

    Not included
    Application scenario
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool D1 Pro
    Material used
    Birch Plywood
    3mm Baltic Birch to build the layers, I purchased from Makerstock. 2 in round dull rod from Menards. Aspen back Board (20 by 26.5) from Menards. Black spray paint, Orange spray paint, White spray paint and red food coloring.
    Total time
    60 min
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.


    Setting 1
    Setting 2
    Setting 3


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