Do you know a way to avoid wood lines on the grooves? I've tried this as well but I want to get rid of the wood lines inside the engraved area. Like the ones inside the striped egg. Please help :)
a year ago
Hello, how many lines per cm?
a year ago
I love the rolling pin and can't wait to try it with my D1 Pro 20W with the rotary attachment. I hope to make one for each holiday season and hope it will leave markings in the dough.
2 years ago
Do the engravings on the rolling pin leave designs on the fresh cake batter? Do you also see the designs after baking? Do you have any idea of the depth of the engraving made on the wood?
Thank you for your feedback: if I make the same item in wood, my grandson should not be disappointed if he uses it for his next cake!
2 years ago
I think these would leave the impressions on a dough like cookie dough, but not in a cake batter. The batter would settle too much to hold the design.
Mini Rolling Pin #DerivativeCreation @xtools projects