This remix is based on
Grizzly Bear
After sourcing my artwork I edited in Xtool Creative Space which I find very adequate for allowing greyscale or black and white images to be presented with fine detail, highlights, shadows mid shades and contrast. I use a standard generic aluminium business card to lay my image down using the following settings. Manual Settings Invert Image IR Laser type Dot Duration 365 Power% 65 Dots Per Inch (DPI) 365 Bitmap Mode - Jarvis Engraving Mode - Bi-directional. I use these settings and test to see if the image turns out detailed crisp with good greyscale contrasts. You can tweak any of the settings but need to be careful that the end result isn't distorted.
Production Info
Not included
Application scenario
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

Guidelines for using compatible machines

10W, 20W

5W, 20W, 40W, 2W, 10W



5W, 10W

40W, 2W, 20W, 10W


Material used
Manual Settings
Invert Image
IR Laser type
Dot Duration 365
Power% 65
Dots Per Inch (DPI) 365
Bitmap Mode - Jarvis
Engraving Mode - Bi-directional.
Total time
5 min
This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.