New Year Stainless Steel Winter Tag

SharonM63 avatar
Design Files (1)
  • SM63NewYearTag1.xcs
  • Summary

    Happy New Year Everyone,
    I thought I would have a go at doing a stainless steel tag.  
    I think I may need to purchase the infra red module when I can afford it!
    Obviously very tiny to work with. I wanted to keep the winter theme with adding a snowflake but I needed to add some glasses and fireworks for the New Year cellarbration.
    I cant include the glasses in the file as this is and Adobe Stock file but you could add your own ideas into this.  The font I used is: Vivaldi

    Production Info

    Not included
    Application scenario
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool D1 Pro
    Compatible xTool Machine
    Guidelines for using compatible machines
    xTool M1
    5W, 10W
    xTool D1 Pro
    10W, 20W, 40W
    xTool S1
    10W, 20W, 40W, 2W
    xTool F1
    10W, 2W
    xTool D1
    5W, 10W, 20W
    Material used
    1.8mm Stainless Steel Dog Tag
    Stainless Steel dog tag from xTool material pack. Adobe Stock image not included, snowflake shape from creative space.
    Total time
    12 min


    Setting 1
    Setting 2
    Newcomer gifts