We are having a big easter egg hunt this year with the kids and adults. Now I have my XTool there are so many ways I can help with the hunt!! This was one of the ideas for prizes and awards for the day, as we are going activities like egg & spoon race and sack races. This designs is a ready to go XCS File all the settings are there. Tutorial is included as well If you download and enjoy this design PLEASE PLEASE LIKE - COMMENT - & FOLLOW it tells XTOOL & Designfind that you would like to see more of my work!
Production Info
Application scenario
Laser processing、Pen drawing
xTool Creative Space、Procreate、Affinity
Machine & processing module

Guidelines for using compatible machines

5W, 10W, 20W


10W, 20W

10W, 20W

5W, 20W, 10W, 40W




5W, 10W

Material used

Difficulty Level
Total time
3 min
Setting 1 Process on baseplate - Vector Laser Engrave - BitmapScanMode: zMode Density: 100 Power: 46 Repeat: 1 Speed: 300
Setting 2 Process on baseplate - Laser Cut - BreakPointCount: 2 BreakPointDistance: 100 BreakPointMode: count BreakPointPower: 0 BreakPointSize: 0.5 CuttingDrop: false CuttingDropValue: 3 EnableBreakPoint: false EnableKerf: false KerfDistance: 0 Power: 100 Repeat: 2 Speed: 12
Setting 3 Process on baseplate - Laser Score - EnableKerf: false KerfDistance: 0 Power: 30 Repeat: 1 Speed: 50
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