A Mother's Love Jewelry Box

mandie41809 avatar
Design Files (1)
  • Sunshine top of box.xcs
  • Summary

    This project was so very special to us. A friend of ours, who has become family, lost her son earlier this year. We wanted to make something unique but personal for her. 
    On the top, it is the very last picture that she took with him.
    On the front, it displays the dates & his actual signature that we took from his release form when he got his very first & only tattoo.
    Side #1 displays our Mardi Gras Krewe logo.
    The back is the lifeguard symbol. He was a lifeguard & so very proud of it.
    The bottom of the box is his tattoo that he got back home where he was living.
    And side #2…No one fights alone! No matter what you are going through, you’re not alone. So reach out & talk to someone. You are so loved ❤️

    Production Info

    Not included
    Application scenario
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool P2
    Compatible xTool Machine
    Guidelines for using compatible machines
    xTool S1
    10W, 20W, 40W
    xTool F1 Ultra
    xTool P2S
    xTool D1
    5W, 10W, 20W
    xTool F1
    xTool D1 Pro
    5W, 20W, 10W, 40W
    xTool M1 Ultra
    10W, 20W
    xTool P2
    xTool M1
    5W, 10W
    Material used
    3mm Basswood Plywood
    This is just a plain jewelry box that I picked up at our local craft store.
    Total time
    60 min


    Setting 1
    Setting 2
    Newcomer gifts