Easter Egg Decoration

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Super Simple DIY
In contest 2025 Easter Contest
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Design Files (1)
  • EasterEggNightLight.xcs
  • Summary

    This super neat easter themed night light or desk decoration is meant to spark curiosity. The light was designed for excellent looks during the day and at night. You can use SVG file to cut it out of wood or make it from any other material you want. 
    See end of video for really neat examples of what it looks like when done. 
    Get this now for free before it becomes a premium Project in April. ENJOY!!

    Production Info

    Application scenario
    Laser processing
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool M1 Ultra
    Compatible xTool Machine
    Guidelines for using compatible machines
    xTool F1
    xTool M1 Ultra
    xTool M1
    5W, 10W
    xTool D1 Pro
    5W, 20W, 10W, 40W
    xTool P2
    xTool S1
    10W, 20W, 40W
    xTool F1 Ultra
    xTool P2S
    xTool D1
    5W, 10W, 20W
    Material used
    3mm Basswood Plywood
    Difficulty Level
    Total time
    10 min


    Setting 1 Process on baseplate - Laser Cut - BreakPointCount: 2  BreakPointDistance: 100  BreakPointMode: count  BreakPointPower: 0  BreakPointSize: 0.5  CuttingDrop: false  CuttingDropValue: 2  EnableBreakPoint: false  EnableKerf: false  KerfDistance: 0  Laser: laser_10W  Power: 90  ProcessHead: LASER  Repeat: 1  Speed: 5 
    Setting 2 Process on baseplate - Laser Score - EnableKerf: false  KerfDistance: 0  Laser: laser_10W  Power: 70  ProcessHead: LASER  Repeat: 1  Speed: 100 
    Setting 3 Process on baseplate - Bitmap Laser Engrave - BitmapMode: Jarvis  BitmapScanMode: zMode  Density: 100  Laser: laser_10W  Power: 55  ProcessHead: LASER  Repeat: 1  Speed: 130 


    You may access, download, use, reproduce, print this work for personal and noncommercial use only. You have no right to adapt, modify, edit, or create derivative works of this work in any format or manner. You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, transfer, distribute, redistribute, promote, market, advertise this work, its derivative work, any object printed with the work or its derivative work, or publish, republish, post, upload, host such work, derivative work or object on other digital platforms, web stores or cloud repositories, for commercial purposes and/or gaining profits.
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