Little Kitchen

CreativWerkstatt avatar
Design Files (1)
  • Küche.xcs
  • Summary

    Als Mitbringsel für einen Kochabend, der Kücheneinweihung oder als Geschenk für den/die Miniaturenthusiast/-in. Klein ist immer fein und begeistert als persönliches Giveaway oftmals mehr als schöne Worte. Schnell hergestellt, leicht zusammengebaut und immer für eine Überraschung gut!
    As a souvenir for a cooking evening, the inauguration of a kitchen or as a gift for the miniature enthusiast. Small is always nice and as a personal giveaway often inspires more than nice words. Quick to make, easy to assemble and always good for a surprise!

    Production Info

    Application scenario
    Laser processing
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool S1
    Material used
    4mm plywood
    Difficulty Level
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.


    You may access, download, use, reproduce, print this work for personal and noncommercial use only. You have no right to adapt, modify, edit, or create derivative works of this work in any format or manner. You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, transfer, distribute, redistribute, promote, market, advertise this work, its derivative work, any object printed with the work or its derivative work, or publish, republish, post, upload, host such work, derivative work or object on other digital platforms, web stores or cloud repositories, for commercial purposes and/or gaining profits.
    Newcomer gifts