Engraving your old coffe cup

B van Pinxteren avatar
B van Pinxteren
Design Files (1)
  • graveringkopje.xcs
  • Summary

    The Nespresso cups sometimes release the color, leaving an aluminum cup. In the context of sustainability, we engrave a saying (nl) and a drawing on this silver surface. This way the cup is beautiful again, fun and also gets the conversation going.

    Production Info

    Application scenario
    Other、Laser processing
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool P2S
    xTool RA2 Pro for P2/S1/F1
    xTool Accessory Kit for RA2 Pro
    xTool P2 Riser Base
    Material used
    old nespresso cub (pixie line)
    Black laser marking powder
    Difficulty Level
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.


    Setting 1 Use rotary attachment - Vector Laser Engrave - BitmapScanMode: zMode  Density: 100  Power: 80  Repeat: 2  Speed: 200 


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