Create a romantic Valentine’s Day gift with this Be My Valentine Rose ❤️ Laser Cut Design! Includes SVG & xTool (.xcs) files – just open the xTool file and hit start for 6mm walnut plywood. ✨ What's Included: ✔ SVG File – Compatible with any laser cut ✔ xTool .XCS File – Pre-set for 6mm walnut plywood 💡 Best Results: Use 6mm walnut or mahogany plywood for contrast Finish with wood sealant for a polished look Minimum size: 10 cm to prevent breakage 💝 Perfect for: ✅ Valentine’s Day Gifts & DIY Love Decor ✅ Personalized Anniversary Keepsakes You can also change the test to anything you like!
Production Info
Application scenario
Laser processing
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

Guidelines for using compatible machines



10W, 40W, 20W

20W, 40W, 10W, 5W



10W, 5W

Material used

Difficulty Level
Setting 1 Process on baseplate - Laser Cut - BreakPointCount: 2 BreakPointDistance: 100 BreakPointMode: count BreakPointPower: 0 BreakPointSize: 0.5 CuttingDrop: false CuttingDropValue: 3 EnableBreakPoint: false EnableKerf: false KerfDistance: 0 Laser: laser_20W Power: 75 ProcessHead: LASER Repeat: 1 Speed: 4
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