This is a 6up jig for your standard aluminum or stainless business cards. Both Vertical and Horizontal You can import the project to your XCS. 1) Download the STL or 3MF from Makerworld 2) 3D Print the jig 3) Import the XCS file to your software or SVG to light-burn 4) check the output to " ON ", and frame the jig to your F1 Ultra ( each machine has a slightly different center, so you MUST adjust it one time before you start lasering with JIG ) 5) disable the template so you don't accidentally laser those borders. 6) make sure the layer is locked 7) place your design in any of the boxes, Happy lasering You do need a 3D printer to print this jig, keep in mind that you can not print this on Bambu A1 mini, Prusa Mini/Mini+ as the bed size is not sufficient. link to download the 3D model.
Production Info
Application scenario
Laser processing
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

Guidelines for using compatible machines

20W, 2W, 10W, 40W

2W, 5W, 10W, 20W, 40W

5W, 10W

2W, 10W

10W, 20W

Material used

Difficulty Level
Setting 1 Process on baseplate - Laser Score - EnableKerf: false Frequency: 30 KerfDistance: 0 Power: 1 Repeat: 1 Speed: 20
Setting 2 Process on baseplate - Vector Laser Engrave - AngleType: 2 BitmapEngraveMode: normal BitmapScanMode: zMode CrossAngle: false Density: 100 DotDuration: 100 Dpi: 500 Frequency: 30 Power: 1 Repeat: 1 ScanAngle: 0 Speed: 80
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