Digital Downloads
ZIP *1
★This Digital product is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD★ These files are formatted for the Glowforge laser cutter. Files are sized to fit in a 20x12 inch crumb tray Also Files are compatible with most cutting machines including major brands. You can change the size as you want without quality loss PLEASE NOTE: this is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD. You will not receive a physical product. You will receive Zip files including the following file formats (Please know how to properly unzip a folder prior to purchase): ★ CONTINUE SHOPPING HERE ★ You will receive these drawing in 4 file formats: (transparent background) SVG vector files - unlimited resizing with no quality loss DXF vector files - unlimited resizing with no quality loss PNG raster files, 300ppi, transparent backgroun HELP INSTANT DOWNLOAD: LICENSE AND USE The files contained herein are copyright Atabey Studio. You may: use these files to create items for personal use use these files to create finished items to sell You may not: use the artwork for any other purpose resell this digital file in any format share, distribute or sell this file or any part of this file in any way upload images to “print on demand” sites such as Zazzle and Café Press or similar sites WARRANTY Every effort has been made to see that these files are free from defect under normal use. No warranty is implied or granted. Due to the digital nature of this product, we do not offer refunds or exchanges once purchased.
All Products can be used for Commercial Use.