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Two part Whale Laser Engraved Earrings Digital Download Wood Earring Svg, Laser Cut Earring Svg , Earring Shapes Svg, Pdf, Dxf A unique digital download for all those who want to make laser engraved earrings. The perfect product for all lovers of jewelry making Red Color - Cut Black Color - Engrave After cutting and engraving the earrings on a laser machine, you can play with painting in various colors and make a unique piece of jewelry with your own stamp. You can paint the cut pieces of earrings with water colors, if you want a more airy effect. If you want to be more detailed, you can use pigmented markers with good coverage and a small tip size. As someone who has been making jewelry for many years, another tip is to coat your colored earring with varnish. I sometimes use UV epoxy resin, and I dry varnished earrings in a UV nail lamp. You can certainly use a finishing nail polish of different gloss, and also dry in a UV lamp. Red Color - Cut Black Color - Engrave
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