
c.stuartbachner avatar
Design Files (3)
  • F22Cardw:standv2.lbrn2
  • F22Cardw:standv2.svg
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    My kids love the simple plane puzzles but I could never find a good free one for the F22 so I made my own. Very simple and makes a great puzzle to throw in goodie bags. Kids love them and they are easy enough my 5 year old had no problem with them. 
    Note: The stand was a concept design, it kinda worked but isn't great.
    SVG provided if using alternate software. XCS provided more for reference. I don't use my D1 with XCS so please note settings are for D1 10W not for S1 40W. 

    Production Info

    Application scenario
    Laser processing
    Lightburn、xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool D1
    xTool Honeycomb Working Panel Set for D1 Pro/D1
    Material used
    2mm Basswood
    Purchased my basswood sheets off of amazon.
    Difficulty Level
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.


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    Newcomer gifts