Ski goggles with Mountains Layered SVG, Multilayered Designs

LayerCutDesign avatar
Design Files (1)
  • SkiMaskmountainslayered.svg
  • Summary

    Just download the file, modify the design layout to suit your requirements, and you're done. After cutting, you can paint in any color or decorate with decorative elements. After paint you can glue layers together. 
    Size: 244x134 mm. But vector files scalable to any size.
    Layers: 6
    The product can be made of plywood or wood or acrylic or paper. We recommend using 3mm plywood.


    You may access, download, use, reproduce, print this work for personal and noncommercial use only. You have no right to adapt, modify, edit, or create derivative works of this work in any format or manner. You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, transfer, distribute, redistribute, promote, market, advertise this work, its derivative work, any object printed with the work or its derivative work, or publish, republish, post, upload, host such work, derivative work or object on other digital platforms, web stores or cloud repositories, for commercial purposes and/or gaining profits.

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