My son loves to play games, and with him starting school and learning how to describe his emotions, I figured tying one of his favorite games and learning how to describe how he felt throughout the day together when he got home would give him a good solid understanding of how to process those big feelings... So here we are! The final file has a couple of changes after the run that's in the picture (I have removed the swivel foot and made the attached feet a bit wider instead). I have included both options. This allows you to use it in a few configurations. You can use dowels to hang it on the back piece and prop it up at an angle, you can use it with the original sides/short feet and the swivel (a small both and nut can be used to create a swivel for the bottom), or you can use the sides with the longer feet to stand on its own). This way you can customize the pieces and just play plain old "connect more than 3 chips in a row" ;) The pictures are of it unfinished because the project was put together at night, and I want my son to be able to paint it! I'll upload a painted picture once we get it painted.
Production Info
Application scenario
xTool Creative Space
Machine & processing module

Guidelines for using compatible machines

5W, 10W, 20W

5W, 20W, 10W, 40W

10W, 20W, 40W

10W, 20W





Material used

3mm basswood sheeting
Total time
60 min