Brothers Knife

N.M. Lazerworx avatar
N.M. Lazerworx
Design Files (2)
  • WJMKNifeotherside.jpg
  • knife.xcs
  • Summary

    I wanted to make my brother something special and decided on engraving a knife.  The settings for his name were for Stainless Steel and since the Knife blade has some Curve and I wias using the photo option on the My S1  I had to run it 3 times with different focus.  For the wood portion I used the settings for Pine.  

    Production Info

    Not included
    Application scenario
    Laser processing
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool S1
    xTool Safety goggles
    xTool S1 Honeycomb Panel
    xTool Smoke Purifier
    Material used
    stainless steel Knife
    Gerber Stainless Steel Knife
    Difficulty Level
    Total time
    30 min
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.



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