Martial Arts Display unit - Belts, medals and trophy display wall unit.

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Design Files (1)
  • martialartsdisplayunit-Final.xcs
  • Summary

    Having been doing martial arts for decades and collecting belts medals and trophies along the way I needed a solution to display my achievements rather than just a bag for life under the stairs. Its made from 5mm Ply wood, Completely personalised and strong. Without glue I was able to stand on the side and the back so it will hold up to 110kg. But mostly i wanted to test my skills and knowledge on building something different and from scratch.

    Production Info

    Application scenario
    Laser processing
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool S1
    Compatible xTool Machine
    Guidelines for using compatible machines
    xTool Laserbox
    xTool S1 Honeycomb Panel
    Material used
    5mm Pine Plywood
    Bought a sheet of 5 mm Plywood from B&Q £23. Metal Tags from Temu £3, Wood stain from B&Q £3
    Difficulty Level
    Total time
    240 min


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