Horizontal sundial

Fabricole avatar
Design Files (1)
  • fabricole_cadran_solaire2.xcs
  • Summary

    To assemble it, you must glue the 4 round pieces to the four corners of the bottom of the sundial.
    Then, you must position the gnomon (the large rod) pointing north and tilt it at an angle equal to the latitude of the place where you are.
    Block the gnomon with the two pieces as in the photos: choose your favorite for the top and put the other on the bottom. Force a little to fix well. You can glue with wood glue and adjust the setting.
    To use it, you must orient the sundial according to the N/S/E/W reference indicated on it. The sundial must be horizontal.
    The time indicated is the approximate solar time. It is not a precise sundial but it is sufficient to decorate or show the principle to children for example.

    Production Info

    Not included
    Application scenario
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool S1
    Compatible xTool Machine
    Guidelines for using compatible machines
    xTool M1
    10W, 5W
    xTool F1
    xTool P2
    xTool F1 Ultra
    xTool M1 Ultra
    10W, 20W
    xTool P2S
    xTool D1 Pro
    10W, 40W, 20W, 5W
    xTool S1
    40W, 20W
    Material used
    3mm MDF Board
    I used 3mm MDF board but you can do it in wood. You'll need 1 board of 30*30cm
    Total time
    36 min


    Setting 1
    Setting 2
    Setting 3
    Setting 4


    You may access, download, use, reproduce, print this work for personal and noncommercial use only. You have no right to adapt, modify, edit, or create derivative works of this work in any format or manner. You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, transfer, distribute, redistribute, promote, market, advertise this work, its derivative work, any object printed with the work or its derivative work, or publish, republish, post, upload, host such work, derivative work or object on other digital platforms, web stores or cloud repositories, for commercial purposes and/or gaining profits.
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