Custom Garden Plant Stakes-Herbs and Veggies

Tracy Morris avatar
Tracy Morris
Design Files (1)
  • Plant Stakes for Xtool.xcs
  • Summary

    These are really easy to make herb and vegetable markers for gardens.  I created the file in sets of 4 names so you can save material by sharing cut lines and butting the file up against the edge of the wood.  You can change the font to whichever you want.  I used American Typewriter from Creativefabrica.

    Production Info

    Application scenario
    xTool Creative Space
    Machine & processing module
    xTool M1
    Material used
    I used 1/8 inch baltic birch
    I bought the birch on Amazon. I created the file myself in xcs and have attached it for you.
    Total time
    5 min
    Also compatible with other machines. Visit the Material EasySet Library  for more.
    Newcomer gifts