Christmas is nearly here so I've been making quite a few tree decorations and these ones seem popular.

They are made from 3mm walnut plywood from xTool and 3mm birch plywood purchased on Amazon.
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Step 1: Use the text tool and type your name

Use the text tool to type your name and choose a nice font (I used a font called dancing script) then adjust the text size to fill most of the decoration.  

Step 2: Weld the text

You will need to make sure you click the weld button in the text menue so that the text will cut out as one piece rather than individual letters.


If you have capitalised the first letter you may need to add the first letter in a separate text box to the rest of the word and manually line line them us so that they are slightly overlapping each other.


Once they are all aligned, select both text boxes and click the combine button at the top of the screen then select unite.


Step 3: Cut out the shapes
Setting 1
Process Method
Laser Cut
Process Material
3mm Basswood Plywood
Power(%) or Cut Pressure(g)

I cut the main decoration from walnut then cut the name and reindeer from birch plywood to give a nice contrast.


I also set the purple reindeer in the design file to score to help with aligning when it's time to glue everything together. 

Step 4: Glue the parts together

Now all you need to do is glue the reindeer and your name to the bauble and your new tree decoration is complete.


Then just add some string, ribbon, or a hook through the hole and it will be ready to hang on the Christmas tree. 

Design Files
Christmas shapes.xcs
Christmas tree
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